Supply Chain Excellence: Leading and Managing the Extended Enterprise Forum
April 3, 2016 - April 30, 2016
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Venue: University of St. Thomas
Session1: Supplier Selection and sourcing Workshop – How do organizations select their extended enterprise partners? What methods should they use to determine locale, quality, cost, lead time, and other critical elements of performance to make sourcing and selection fits. This training discusses how to find, research, select, approve, grow, train, and co-partner with suppliers to establish excellent business partners throughout the supply chain.
Session2: Global Procurement and Supply Workshop – It is much more difficult to find, manage, and optimize suppliers in regions around the world. Today, new global supply and global demand pressures mean that we need regional suppliers to meet logistics and sourcing requirements worldwide. Building a supply chain strategy and leveraging worldclass methods for establishing and maintaining global partners is discussed throughout this interactive topic.
Session3: Logistics and Supply Chain Software Workshop – Today, SCM, or Supply Chain Management software, can be the competitive advantage needed for optimizing modes, routes, and capacity. A discussion of logistics tools, terms, and issues, as well as SCM tools, processes, and practices will be addressed with several organization examples to share.